Bondloc B2012 is a 2-part, rapid cold curing epoxy adhesive, that is suitable for bonding a wide variety of surfaces including steel, aluminium and galvanised iron. Reacts within a few minutes to give a tough, resilient bond on a wide variety of surfaces.
Mix Ratio: 1:1
Work Life: As a mix: 4 1/2 - 5 minutes
Size: 25ml
Part 1
Physical Form: Viscous liquid
Chemical Type: Epoxy
Appearance: Clear
Viscosity 25°C: 100 poise
Specific Gravity: 1.17
Part 2
Physical Form: Viscous liquid
Chemical Type: Mercaptan and Polyamide
Appearance: Clear
Viscosity 25°C: 130 poise
Specific Gravity: 1.14
COSHH Datasheet: Download 1997